Miyerkules, Enero 16, 2019

The New Men's Movement and the Next Generation of Leaders

The men's movement began for me in 1969 when my first son, Jemal, was born. When I held him for the first time, I made a vow that I would be a different kind of father than my father was able to be for me and I would do everything I could to change the world and help men break out of the man box that had nearly killed my father.

At the time, most men thought there was no need for a men's movement in support of men. Weren't men in control? It was women who needed liberation from the restrictive roles that caused them to be less than they could be. My wife was drawn to the women's liberation movement and we both read Betty Friedan's 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique. I still have my copy with the $.75 price sticker with the quote from anthropologist Ashley Montague. "This is the book we have been waiting for…the wisest, sanest, soundest, most understanding and compassionate treatment of contemporary American woman's greatest problem…a triumph."

She described the "problem that has no name" as women who are fulfilling their family roles and wondering "is this all there is?" I realized that "the problem that has no name" was a men's problem as well as a women's problem. While my wife found support in the women's liberation movement, I supported her while wishing there was something that focused on men.

It took me three years to join my first men's group in 1972 and three more years before there was the beginning of an organized men's movement. I missed attending "The First National Conference on Men and Masculinity" at the University of Tennessee in 1975, but attended the second National Conference at State College in Pennsylvania the following year.

Over the years I have attended many more conferences, but it became clear to me that unlike the women's movement, the men's movement was quieter, less formally organized, more local, and hadn't really connected with a large portion of the male population.

That is beginning to change. New programs are developing under the auspice of the Mankind Project (MKP) and an exciting new program called Evryman. In a recent article in the New York Times, writer Hannah Seligson says, "MKP has 24 chapters in the United States and 11 regions abroad. It focuses on men's emotional well-being, drawing on elements like Carl Jung's theories of the psyche, nonviolent communication, breath work, Native American customs, and good old-fashioned male bonding. Minus ogling women, drinking or fist fighting, of course."

Evryman was started in 2016 and is now a B Corp (a business with a codified social mission). Evryman has grown to over 800 men in around 85 groups across 50 cities."

I first met Evryman, co-founder, Dan Doty, in 2017 when he asked me to do an interview for one of their first podcasts. Dan was interested in my long-time experience doing men's work and I was excited to hear about the success of their new programs and their ability to engage a younger generation of men. He told me that Evryman had a goal of helping 1 million men over the next five years and they had a team of entrepreneurs who were dedicated to the mission.

One of the most exciting programs they offer are expeditions into beautiful parts of our country. Dan is one of the main leads on these retreats. One expedition was described in a recent article in Men's Health magazine. "We're standing in a clearing in Big Sky, Montana, the most appropriately named town in America. It's 20 minutes to sunset and the clouds are just starting to turn purple around the edges. From where we are, you can turn 360 degrees and see for miles in every direction. The tall grass gives way to dense pine trees, which give way to jutting, snow-capped mountains that seem to prop up the big-no, massive-sky."

Dan is meeting with twenty guys from all walks of life who are looking for something more–a deeper experience of who they are as men and a desire to break through old barriers that have kept them from connecting with themselves and others. "Nice work, guys." Dan tells the men. "Get to the edge of your comfort zone and then go a little past it," he continues. "Let yourself open up."

Nate Green, the writer of the Men's Health article who went on the expedition as a participant describes Dan this way. "Dan is 36 years old, muscular, with reddish-brown hair and a full beard. For the past hour, he's been walking around in bare feet. Give him a cardigan sweater and a White Russian and he could pass for an outdoorsy version of the Dude from The Big Lebowski."

Green says, "The men here occupy different rungs on the socioeconomic ladder and come from all over the country. There's a woodworker from Seattle. A recently fired hedge-fund manager from Manhattan. There's a project coordinator from Iowa, a medical-cannabis grower from Arizona, and a guy who owns an Italian restaurant in Queens. At least four guys are ex-military. We have different jobs, different religions, and different numbers in our bank accounts."

At a time when our disconnections cause everything from depression and hopelessness, to rage and violence, men are hungry to reconnect with our ancient roots and be led by experienced men who are committed to our well-being.

I asked Dan how he got started doing this important work. "My first career was as a wilderness guide in therapeutic and correctional programs," he told me. "I spent hundreds and hundreds of days with hundreds of boys, hiking climbing, camping, paddling, and LIVING–and it was one of the most important things I've ever done in my life."

When Dan and I and first talked, we bonded immediately as fathers, each of us with children who meant the world to us and we both have gotten deep nourishment from being in nature. "I am personally most happy, alive, and fulfilled under the wild and untamed sky. Something in me ignites and I've seen it happen for hundreds of men of all ages. These Evryman Expeditions are explicitly designed to get men in touch with themselves, each other and nature. It's a very natural process, and the backcountry of Yellowstone and Glacier are about as raw and wild as it gets these days."

Evryman is part of the new men's movement that is expanding what it means to be a healthy man in today's world and to help men break out of restrictive roles.

Dan and the guys at Evryman are the leaders who are ready to embrace the new men's movement. You can reach them at https://evryman.com/.

The post The New Men's Movement and the Next Generation of Leaders appeared first on MenAlive.

Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Right For You?

   Innovative Men's Health is your TRT Dr.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (AKA: TRT) is the replacement of the naturally declining Testosterone hormone in men. At Innovative Men's Health, we're dedicated to helping men reverse issues related to aging. We specialize in sexual health and low testosterone.

Is TRT right for me?

We all do what we can to stay in good health, but inevitably our bodies begin to change as life shifts gears and changes pace.  

As all men age, testosterone in the body naturally begins to decline.  In fact, testosterone levels begin to decline about 1% per year starting in some men as young as 30 years old. This is a natural part of life that all men will experience.

"Testosterone levels can have an enormous impact on a man's physical and mental health.."

Why is testosterone so important you may ask?

Well, basically because of what all it is responsible for within the male body.  Testosterone is a hormone found in men that is a key player in many aspects of a man's physical and mental makeup. As men age, they may begin to feel the affects of low testosterone.

Symptoms of low testosterone may include:

  • Weight gain

  • feelings of depression

  • moodiness

  • low self-esteem

  • lessening body hair

  • weakened bones.  

The more of these symptoms a man has, the more likely he is to be diagnosed with low testosterone.

Testosterone is responsible for a man's sex drive and muscle development.  Testosterone (T) is also credited for men's deep voices, facial hair, libido, and red blood cell production.  

Testosterone and Libido

Testosterone contributes heavily to a man's libido, as well as the frequency and quality of a man's erections

Beyond these physical attributes, proper T levels can boost mood and support healthy brain function. Men in their fifties and sixties may begin to experience the adverse effects of low T.

Symptoms may include:

  • lowered sex drive

  • a lessened sense of vitality

  • erectile dysfunction

  • decreased energy.  

  • Lowering Testosterone levels are also attributed to a reduction in muscle mass and bone density.

In some cases men experiencing low "T" also suffer from anemia.

 TRT can improve libido

Low T is an underdiagnosed issue that affects anywhere from two to six million men in the US… In short, you are not alone.

At Innovative Men's Health, we specialize in helping men take their life back with cutting edge Testosterone Replacement Therapy.  TRT has proven itself a safe and effective method for treating men from all walks of life who find themselves experiencing low T.

"Innovative Men's Health is proud to be Washington state's premier health clinic for the treatment of low testosterone..."

How Innovative Men's Health helps with TRT?

Testosterone Therapy with Innovative Men's Health can

  • Improve energy levels

  • Increase libido

  • Eradicate erection problems.  

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can lead to:

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Overall strength

  • Decreased fat mass

  • Improved bone mineral density.  

  • Proven Benefits in diabetic patients,

  • Also proven effective in the treatment of osteoporosis.

What to expect with my TRT appointment

During your initial appointment we look to learn more about what makes you, well, you.  This initial information helps us to get a feel for what types of options may work best for your health and lifestyle.  For our prospective TRT patients we initially test for total testosterone, free testosterone, and PSA levels. From there further consultations will discuss the results of any tests, and our experienced doctors will discuss potential treatment options tailored to you.

Our experience in your corner  

Our Men's Clinic was established to provide discreet access to our team of licensed doctors.  Our team has over 50 years of collective experience helping men reclaim their best life through a unique program that focuses on our patients as individuals. We put this specialized approach and experience to work for you.

Regardless of your age, it is time to reverse the signs of aging and take back your vitality, libido, health, and confidence by talking to Innovative Men's about TRT today.

Hurry and schedule your consultation and start the conversation today to see what Innovative Men's Health can do for you


4 Components To A Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean hours of training at the gym and eating only salad leaves. It's about making easy-to-manage healthy choices in your day-to-day living.

If you have ever tried to dramatically change your lifestyle you know how difficult it can be. It takes major discipline and there are so many options, fads, supplements and ads trying to get your attention stating "quick weight loss" or "30 pounds in 30 days" or "this is the miracle lifestyle". Creating a healthy, balanced lifestyle is a journey with many different components that must work together to achieve results. Whether you are wanting to completely transform your body, just be more active, cut out some bad habits or regain your energy, each of these components must be taken into consideration. Having a plan in place and the support you need will lead you to success.

Here we are discussing the 4 main components to achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

#1. Diet– consciously choosing what you put in your body on a daily basis is the starting point to creating a healthy body and mind. It is evident that some foods make you feel good and others don't. Becoming aware of which is which for you personally will help your overall wellbeing. Putting a basic meal plan in place, that is easy to follow and prepare is key to setting yourself up for success.

#2. Exercise– whether it is making simple choices like taking the stairs, parking farther away from the entrance, going to a fitness class twice a week or putting a daily gym routine in place, doing more exercise daily will make you more energized, alert and focused. We all have stress in our lives, exercise is a natural stress release. Where ever you can fit exercise into your daily routine you will thank yourself down the road. 

#3. Sleep– the quality of sleep and the amount are both important when considering this component. Your mind and body require rest to function effectively. As the amount of sleep we need changes as we age so does the quality of the sleep we are getting. Being conscious of our sleeping patterns and getting what we need allows us to be highly productive, function people for our families, our job and our selves.  

#4. Thoughts– this component is arguably the most important and the one that is most affected by all the others. Have you noticed that if your diet is full of sugary carbohydrates or processed foods that its difficult for you to concentrate on a task? Have you noticed that when you are hungry you don't treat people the way that you normally would? Have you noticed that when you exercise it is easier for you to focus and complete tasks? Have you noticed that when you are tired you are more irritable then normal?  Have you noticed that with a lacking combination of each of these components anxiety can set in?

These are examples of how important lifestyle is when it comes to clear thinking. When our thoughts are clear and positive so are our actions, reactions and even the situations we encounter. Being aware of your thoughts and why they are there is the ultimate component of wellbeing.

Looking for support to implement and maintain a healthy lifestyle? We are here to help. Talk to our providers about the options we have to offer to support your healthy lifestyle journey.

To make an appointment at any one of our offices please call 817-345-0303.

The post 4 Components To A Healthy Lifestyle appeared first on T Off Men's Health and Wellness.

ObamaCare Open enrollment v6.0: Anecdata version

We know that anecdotes ≠ data, but this item (to which we were alerted by co-blogger Bob V)  provides some helpful, personal perspective:

"Last week, we asked you to send in details of the insurance plans you purchased on the Affordable Care Act exchanges. We received more than 70 messages, mostly all with the same theme: This sh*t is too expensive, and it sucks."

Well, we've been saying that for years now, but welcome to the party!

There are a bunch of interesting example, none of which were surprising to longtime O'Care observers.

Feel free to share your own experiences in our comments section.

The New Men's Movement and the Next Generation of Leaders

The men's movement began for me in 1969 when my first son, Jemal, was born. When I held him for the first time, I made a vow that I would be a different kind of father than my father was able to be for me and I would do everything I could to change the world and help men break out of the man box that had nearly killed my father.

At the time, most men thought there was no need for a men's movement in support of men. Weren't men in control? It was women who needed liberation from the restrictive roles that caused them to be less than they could be. My wife was drawn to the women's liberation movement and we both read Betty Friedan's 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique. I still have my copy with the $.75 price sticker with the quote from anthropologist Ashley Montague. "This is the book we have been waiting for…the wisest, sanest, soundest, most understanding and compassionate treatment of contemporary American woman's greatest problem…a triumph."

She described the "problem that has no name" as women who are fulfilling their family roles and wondering "is this all there is?" I realized that "the problem that has no name" was a men's problem as well as a women's problem. While my wife found support in the women's liberation movement, I supported her while wishing there was something that focused on men.

It took me three years to join my first men's group in 1972 and three more years before there was the beginning of an organized men's movement. I missed attending "The First National Conference on Men and Masculinity" at the University of Tennessee in 1975, but attended the second National Conference at State College in Pennsylvania the following year.

Over the years I have attended many more conferences, but it became clear to me that unlike the women's movement, the men's movement was quieter, less formally organized, more local, and hadn't really connected with a large portion of the male population.

That is beginning to change. New programs are developing under the auspice of the Mankind Project (MKP) and an exciting new program called Evryman. In a recent article in the New York Times, writer Hannah Seligson says, "MKP has 24 chapters in the United States and 11 regions abroad. It focuses on men's emotional well-being, drawing on elements like Carl Jung's theories of the psyche, nonviolent communication, breath work, Native American customs, and good old-fashioned male bonding. Minus ogling women, drinking or fist fighting, of course."

Evryman was started in 2016 and is now a B Corp (a business with a codified social mission). Evryman has grown to over 800 men in around 85 groups across 50 cities."

I first met Evryman, co-founder, Dan Doty, in 2017 when he asked me to do an interview for one of their first podcasts. Dan was interested in my long-time experience doing men's work and I was excited to hear about the success of their new programs and their ability to engage a younger generation of men. He told me that Evryman had a goal of helping 1 million men over the next five years and they had a team of entrepreneurs who were dedicated to the mission.

One of the most exciting programs they offer are expeditions into beautiful parts of our country. Dan is one of the main leads on these retreats. One expedition was described in a recent article in Men's Health magazine. "We're standing in a clearing in Big Sky, Montana, the most appropriately named town in America. It's 20 minutes to sunset and the clouds are just starting to turn purple around the edges. From where we are, you can turn 360 degrees and see for miles in every direction. The tall grass gives way to dense pine trees, which give way to jutting, snow-capped mountains that seem to prop up the big-no, massive-sky."

Dan is meeting with twenty guys from all walks of life who are looking for something more–a deeper experience of who they are as men and a desire to break through old barriers that have kept them from connecting with themselves and others. "Nice work, guys." Dan tells the men. "Get to the edge of your comfort zone and then go a little past it," he continues. "Let yourself open up."

Nate Green, the writer of the Men's Health article who went on the expedition as a participant describes Dan this way. "Dan is 36 years old, muscular, with reddish-brown hair and a full beard. For the past hour, he's been walking around in bare feet. Give him a cardigan sweater and a White Russian and he could pass for an outdoorsy version of the Dude from The Big Lebowski."

Green says, "The men here occupy different rungs on the socioeconomic ladder and come from all over the country. There's a woodworker from Seattle. A recently fired hedge-fund manager from Manhattan. There's a project coordinator from Iowa, a medical-cannabis grower from Arizona, and a guy who owns an Italian restaurant in Queens. At least four guys are ex-military. We have different jobs, different religions, and different numbers in our bank accounts."

At a time when our disconnections cause everything from depression and hopelessness, to rage and violence, men are hungry to reconnect with our ancient roots and be led by experienced men who are committed to our well-being.

I asked Dan how he got started doing this important work. "My first career was as a wilderness guide in therapeutic and correctional programs," he told me. "I spent hundreds and hundreds of days with hundreds of boys, hiking climbing, camping, paddling, and LIVING–and it was one of the most important things I've ever done in my life."

When Dan and I and first talked, we bonded immediately as fathers, each of us with children who meant the world to us and we both have gotten deep nourishment from being in nature. "I am personally most happy, alive, and fulfilled under the wild and untamed sky. Something in me ignites and I've seen it happen for hundreds of men of all ages. These Evryman Expeditions are explicitly designed to get men in touch with themselves, each other and nature. It's a very natural process, and the backcountry of Yellowstone and Glacier are about as raw and wild as it gets these days."

Evryman is part of the new men's movement that is expanding what it means to be a healthy man in today's world and to help men break out of restrictive roles.

Dan and the guys at Evryman are the leaders who are ready to embrace the new men's movement. You can reach them at https://evryman.com/.

The post The New Men's Movement and the Next Generation of Leaders appeared first on MenAlive.

Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Right For You?

   Innovative Men's Health is your TRT Dr.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (AKA: TRT) is the replacement of the naturally declining Testosterone hormone in men. At Innovative Men's Health, we're dedicated to helping men reverse issues related to aging. We specialize in sexual health and low testosterone.

Is TRT right for me?

We all do what we can to stay in good health, but inevitably our bodies begin to change as life shifts gears and changes pace.  

As all men age, testosterone in the body naturally begins to decline.  In fact, testosterone levels begin to decline about 1% per year starting in some men as young as 30 years old. This is a natural part of life that all men will experience.

"Testosterone levels can have an enormous impact on a man's physical and mental health.."

Why is testosterone so important you may ask?

Well, basically because of what all it is responsible for within the male body.  Testosterone is a hormone found in men that is a key player in many aspects of a man's physical and mental makeup. As men age, they may begin to feel the affects of low testosterone.

Symptoms of low testosterone may include:

  • Weight gain

  • feelings of depression

  • moodiness

  • low self-esteem

  • lessening body hair

  • weakened bones.  

The more of these symptoms a man has, the more likely he is to be diagnosed with low testosterone.

Testosterone is responsible for a man's sex drive and muscle development.  Testosterone (T) is also credited for men's deep voices, facial hair, libido, and red blood cell production.  

Testosterone and Libido

Testosterone contributes heavily to a man's libido, as well as the frequency and quality of a man's erections

Beyond these physical attributes, proper T levels can boost mood and support healthy brain function. Men in their fifties and sixties may begin to experience the adverse effects of low T.

Symptoms may include:

  • lowered sex drive

  • a lessened sense of vitality

  • erectile dysfunction

  • decreased energy.  

  • Lowering Testosterone levels are also attributed to a reduction in muscle mass and bone density.

In some cases men experiencing low "T" also suffer from anemia.

 TRT can improve libido

Low T is an underdiagnosed issue that affects anywhere from two to six million men in the US… In short, you are not alone.

At Innovative Men's Health, we specialize in helping men take their life back with cutting edge Testosterone Replacement Therapy.  TRT has proven itself a safe and effective method for treating men from all walks of life who find themselves experiencing low T.

"Innovative Men's Health is proud to be Washington state's premier health clinic for the treatment of low testosterone..."

How Innovative Men's Health helps with TRT?

Testosterone Therapy with Innovative Men's Health can

  • Improve energy levels

  • Increase libido

  • Eradicate erection problems.  

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can lead to:

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Overall strength

  • Decreased fat mass

  • Improved bone mineral density.  

  • Proven Benefits in diabetic patients,

  • Also proven effective in the treatment of osteoporosis.

What to expect with my TRT appointment

During your initial appointment we look to learn more about what makes you, well, you.  This initial information helps us to get a feel for what types of options may work best for your health and lifestyle.  For our prospective TRT patients we initially test for total testosterone, free testosterone, and PSA levels. From there further consultations will discuss the results of any tests, and our experienced doctors will discuss potential treatment options tailored to you.

Our experience in your corner  

Our Men's Clinic was established to provide discreet access to our team of licensed doctors.  Our team has over 50 years of collective experience helping men reclaim their best life through a unique program that focuses on our patients as individuals. We put this specialized approach and experience to work for you.

Regardless of your age, it is time to reverse the signs of aging and take back your vitality, libido, health, and confidence by talking to Innovative Men's about TRT today.

Hurry and schedule your consultation and start the conversation today to see what Innovative Men's Health can do for you


4 Components To A Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean hours of training at the gym and eating only salad leaves. It's about making easy-to-manage healthy choices in your day-to-day living.

If you have ever tried to dramatically change your lifestyle you know how difficult it can be. It takes major discipline and there are so many options, fads, supplements and ads trying to get your attention stating "quick weight loss" or "30 pounds in 30 days" or "this is the miracle lifestyle". Creating a healthy, balanced lifestyle is a journey with many different components that must work together to achieve results. Whether you are wanting to completely transform your body, just be more active, cut out some bad habits or regain your energy, each of these components must be taken into consideration. Having a plan in place and the support you need will lead you to success.

Here we are discussing the 4 main components to achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

#1. Diet– consciously choosing what you put in your body on a daily basis is the starting point to creating a healthy body and mind. It is evident that some foods make you feel good and others don't. Becoming aware of which is which for you personally will help your overall wellbeing. Putting a basic meal plan in place, that is easy to follow and prepare is key to setting yourself up for success.

#2. Exercise– whether it is making simple choices like taking the stairs, parking farther away from the entrance, going to a fitness class twice a week or putting a daily gym routine in place, doing more exercise daily will make you more energized, alert and focused. We all have stress in our lives, exercise is a natural stress release. Where ever you can fit exercise into your daily routine you will thank yourself down the road. 

#3. Sleep– the quality of sleep and the amount are both important when considering this component. Your mind and body require rest to function effectively. As the amount of sleep we need changes as we age so does the quality of the sleep we are getting. Being conscious of our sleeping patterns and getting what we need allows us to be highly productive, function people for our families, our job and our selves.  

#4. Thoughts– this component is arguably the most important and the one that is most affected by all the others. Have you noticed that if your diet is full of sugary carbohydrates or processed foods that its difficult for you to concentrate on a task? Have you noticed that when you are hungry you don't treat people the way that you normally would? Have you noticed that when you exercise it is easier for you to focus and complete tasks? Have you noticed that when you are tired you are more irritable then normal?  Have you noticed that with a lacking combination of each of these components anxiety can set in?

These are examples of how important lifestyle is when it comes to clear thinking. When our thoughts are clear and positive so are our actions, reactions and even the situations we encounter. Being aware of your thoughts and why they are there is the ultimate component of wellbeing.

Looking for support to implement and maintain a healthy lifestyle? We are here to help. Talk to our providers about the options we have to offer to support your healthy lifestyle journey.

To make an appointment at any one of our offices please call 817-345-0303.

The post 4 Components To A Healthy Lifestyle appeared first on T Off Men's Health and Wellness.